CppDoc: CMake Module for an easy generation of C++ documentation#

cppdoc provides a cmake module that makes it easier to generate HTML documentation with a help of doxygen and sphinx packages, as well as breathe and exhale sphinx extensions.



System packages#

The only system prerequisite of cppdoc is cmake, doxygen and python3-pip packages.

Ubuntu users can install those packages with the official package manager:

sudo apt install cmake doxygen python3-pip

Python packages#

The only system prerequisite of cppdoc is sphinx, breathe and exhale packages.

Ubuntu users can install those packages with the pip package manager:

pip install sphinx breathe exhale

However for time been it’s recommended to install those python packages with versions specified in requirements.txt file:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Building from source#

To build and install from source, you can clone the repo and use cmake to install the modules as though this is a regular cmake project:

git clone https://gitlab.com/bproto/cppdoc.git
cd cppdoc
# local install:
cmake -S. -Bbuild -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/install/dir
cmake --build build --target install
# system wide install:
cmake -S. -Bbuild
sudo cmake --build build --target install

Replace /path/to/install/dir to whatever directory you want to install this package to.


To use cppdoc, add the following to your CMakeLists.txt:


find_package(cppdoc REQUIRED NO_MODULE)

You can then just use methods provided by cppdoc as needed. For example:

# Add doxygen annotated files.

# Add RST files.
cppdoc_add_rst_files_dir("${PROJECT_NAME}" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/docs")

# Generate HTML docs


All code is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.