These documents cover in-detail all available “sub-pipelines” and their jobs.
We always try to compose everything into one top-level GitLab CI/CD pipeline that includes all jobs. This way we can have all GitLab CI/CD jobs, that have been triggered for merge request or a specific branch, in one place.
That said, we still try to decompose a top-level pipeline into smaller ones (“sub-pipelines”). Such approach decrease cognitive overload and makes it much easy to understand certain aspects of our pipeline.
Below table (“map”) shows how jobs are distributed across different “sub-pipelines”.

- Docs
A collection “sub-pipeline”s for building and deploying documentation.
- Languages
A collection of “sub-pipeline”s for building, testing and linting files related to different programming languages.
- Miscellaneous
A “sub-pipeline” with different miscellaneous CI jobs.
- Packages
A collection “sub-pipeline”s for building and deploying different packages.